
M E G A P O S T | best 15 albums of 2 0 1 2

H E R E  I S  M Y  L I S T  O F  M Y  T O P  A L B U M S  O F  2 0 1 2

M E R R Y  C H R I S T M A S  !

tell me what do you think of it and let me know yours !

[ 15 ]

portico quartet | portico quartet [ 2012 ]
 listen to this ! 

[ 14 ]

meshuggah | koloss

really loud and heavy ! I love this record !

[ 13 ]

spawn of possession | incurso

technical death metal at his best. and the cover is so weird, it reminds me some great stories of H.P Lovecraft.

[ 12 ]

amazing bulgarian band. produced by Aaron Harris [ isis ].

[ 11 ]

between the buried and me | the parallax II : future sequence

I will not give you the link for this one because I had to remove it for copyright infringement.
yeah that sucks. but still an awesome record.

[ 10 ]

kendrick lamar | good kid, maad city

great beats, great lyrics, great cover...

[ 9 ]

the faceless | autotheism

at first I was disappointed. I am still not convinced by the clean vocals of Michael Keene but I realized that is an awesome record.

 [ 8 ]

dysrythmia | test of submission

if you like jazz/prog/experimental and don't know them, you have to listen to this.

[ 7 ]

another great album by converge. as usual.

 [ 6 ]

pig destroyer | book burner

mmmmh this album smells like SWEAT !

[ 5 ]

the contortionist | intrinsic

sweet melodies, great riffs and awesome progressive songs.

 [ 4 ]

death grips | the money store

this LP is weird, catchy and crazy !

 [ 3 ]

car bomb | w^w^^w^w

centralia was a masterpiece, this one is as good as their first album.
this thing is going to blow your mind !

[ 2 ]

town portal | chronopoly

this band deserves so much more attention.

 [ 1 ]

gaza | no absolute in human suffering

so intense and powerful.
this is the best album by gaza and the most incredible thing i've heard this year.

 honorable mention :

deafheaven & bosse - de - nage | split
flying lotus | until the quiet comes
the secret | agnus dei
suis la lune | riala
death grips | no love deep web
action bronson | rare chandeliers
obsidian kingdom | mantiis

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Excellent list! Looks like I've missed out on Mental Architects and Town Portal, but the rest is great. Good call on Gaza & Car Bomb, personally I'd have listed Converge & maybe Meshuggah higher though :)

Anonyme a dit…

Also, Gojira. :)

alex a dit…

thank you man ! yeah the new gojira is fucking great too ! ;)